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Co-op Shopping Chicken Manure

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休斯顿 Houston
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领取鸡粪注意事项   pickup day tips
帮朋友订购   order for friends
意见与建议联系   contact us

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This page was created on August 1, 2005. The page format was last modified on Jan. 27, 2011.

Chicken manure is great for gardening. Since Auchan closed its door in Houston area in 2001, we no longer have a convenient way to buy chicken manure. Fortunately, we can order directly from the same company that supplied products to Auchan. The problem is, however, that the company will only deliver if the order reaches a truck load, so we have to pool individual orders together.

This web site serves to help pooling small orders together. How does it work? In each area, we need a coordinator, who is responsible for distributing the product to individuals. The coordinator can charge a fee, or decide to serve us for free. This site lets people enter their orders, sends the list to the coordinator, and distributes information via email.

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最新邮件 recent emails: 2012/08/19 2012/09/17

  • 2012秋冬鸡粪订购的信息已发出: email #1
  • Factory no longer produces chicken manure, see 2012/09/17 email.
  • 2012/09/11: 第一车800包的名单已经确定(目前网上可以查询的到)。其它的分配在第二车或waiting list上。在第一车到达之前,其它所有订购者都不会收到email,同时网上也查不到您的订购信息。请不要惊慌,也不要来信来电话查询。
  • 2012/08/19: Web site stopped for new orders. 目前已经停止订购。您若没有订购到,或者最后没有取到货,请找朋友调剂一下。谢谢。其它信息请阅读 email #3, 这里不再重复。
  • 2012/08/15: Web site now opens for new orders. Will stop at about 1800 bags. 2012年订购现在已经开放。 每户限订购30包,取货地点为Pearland。 估计第一车九月底或十月初到货,第二车在第一车后面一个月以后到货。两车共有1600包。我们打算1800包时停止订购。 我们将按订购(或最后修改)的时间分配,1500包以后的不能保证
  • 2012年订购将于8月15日左右开放,第一车九月或十月到货,第二车一个月以后到货。开放订购前2-3天,我们将给大家送email,如果你以前订购过,都将收到email。根据去年的经验,一个星期内就会满额。Site will open for new orders around August 15 -- we will send out an email mesage to those ordered before as a reminder.
  • Orders for Sugarland, Clear Lake and Northwest Houston should pick up in Pearland, because there is not enough demand.

  • 2012/03/08: 鸡粪为什么要经过处理才能用作肥料
  • 2005/10/28: Chicken manure good for roses

地区 Area订户 Orders包数 Bags需要包数 Target 预计到货日期 Estimated Delivery取货地点 Pickup Address 协调员 Coordinator说明 Comments
休斯顿 Houston Area [订购] [修改]
Pearland1632130800 Nov. 12Hwy 8 and 288Han Zhang $3-3.3
修改时间 updated: Sun Aug 19 01:25:02 2012please refresh page

试验区 Test Only [订购] [修改]
Testland20229720 2006/08/12TestlandMicheal Zhang this is fake
Doublelake992720 2006/09/21123 Main St.Micheal Zhang price $2.70-3.00/bag
修改时间 updated: Sat Mar 19 01:52:27 2022please refresh page

常见问题 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you describe the product?
2. How does it smell?
3. What's the role of a coordinator?
4. How is the price determined?
5. Does this web site charge a fee for us to use the service?
6. How can I be a coordinator?
7. I have a great suggestion (I have more questions) ...

帮朋友订购 Order for friends

互相帮助是美德,但为了更方便有效地运作,我们希望所有人最好都自己上网订购。 我们的订购系统会自动发出所有信息,最后将订购信息列表打印,照单发货。如果你帮朋友订购,又不一起来取,会给大家都带来不方便,且容易出错。

The purpose of our online order and tracking system is to allow easy tracking and distribution of information. We distribute information about our order, delivery date and location via automatic email messages. The host family (coordinator) have a printed copy of all details of the orders, showing the name, number of bags, and total amount of money, etc. If you pool orders for your friends and you and friends pick up seperately, it is very difficult to keep track of orders, which often results in errors.

As a result, if you and your friends are going to pick up the products seperately, it is best that you and your friends order seperately.

If you do order for your friends, please supply a list to us the day before delivery, or pick up for your friends. In either case, please also collect money from your friends and make a single payment.

意见与建议 Contact us


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