Chicken maure may deliver on Saturday, Feb. 19

ckm 发表于 2011/02/14 23:56 一品 美好家园 (

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The wait will soon be over. The date is set to be Feb. 19, but you know anything can happen before the truck actually comes.

They can deliver as early as Thursday, but most would prefer weekend. Let's hope the weather will be fine that day.

I made some adjustment, and were able to assign bags to those ordered on or before Dec. 30. If you do not have bags assigned, you are automatically put on waiting list. Please wait until we call you. We will starting giving away unpicked bags 6-7pm (if Saturday), depending on weather condition.

If you are unable to get any this time, please try to get some from your friends.

We will distribute more information as necessary and when available.


January chicken manure order --- ckm 2011/01/13 12:23 (1654 bytes)

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