January chicken manure order

ckm 发表于 2011/01/13 12:23 一品 美好家园 (www.ywpw.com)

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We placed the order with the factory and they estimate that the product will be delivered towards the end of the month.

Currently we have close to 850 bags ordered. The factory will deliver a truck of 800 bags. Based on past experiences, there are usually around 80 bags not picked in time or given up so that we had to re-assign. If the past pattern holds true, everyone who really wants will eventually get them.

For the distribution plan, currently we will have a cutoff date around December 25. That means if you ordered before December 25, you will be assigned bags for pickup; if you ordered after that, you will be put on the waiting list. For those on waiting list, you will be called the evening on delivery date for pickup. Based on past experience most likely you will still get the products, but we cannot guarantee, please understand. We used to assign everybody some bags before (by reducing everybody's order amount), but that did not work well, because someone gives up we end up having a surplus.

Please note cutoff is based on the date in our database. So IF YOU UPDATED YOUR ORDER AFTER DECEMBER 25, PLEASE LET US KNOW by replying to this email before Saturday, Jan 15. Thank you.

The delivery location will be in Pearland area but exact location is not available at this time.

Again, please do not email us asking question related to delivery (e.g. exact time and location) -- information will be distributed when available and necessary). You will receive at least 3 more emails from us, each with more detailed information. If you feel that you missed any information, check the web site.

Happy gardening!



Latest: scheduled to come Saturday --- ckm 2011/02/18 20:39 (1651 bytes)
Chicken maure may deliver on Saturday, Feb. 19 --- ckm 2011/02/14 23:56 (692 bytes)
status update --- ckm 2011/01/26 14:51 (898 bytes)

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