Long Distance Phone Codes for Chinese Cities

The city names also appear in PinYin, thanks to Raymond Chow.

Due to the rapid changes in Mainland, you may need to visit this site from time to time to get the most up to date information.

Big5 version
GB version
English version

Chinese visa service, the most reliable and cost effective way to get visa to China!

Mainland 86
安徽 Anhui 北京 Beijing 10 重庆 Chongqing 23 福建 Fujian
甘肃 Gansu 广东 Guangdong 广西自治区 Guangxi AR 贵州 Guizhou
海南 Hainan 河北 Hebei 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 河南 Henan
湖北 Hubei 湖南 Hunan 江苏 Jiangsu 江西 Jiangxi
吉林 Jilin 辽宁 Liaoning 内蒙古自治区 Nei Monggol AR 宁夏自治区 Ningxia AR
青海 Qinghai 山东 Shandong 陕西 Shaanxi 上海 Shanghai 21
山西 Shanxi 四川 Sichuan 天津 Tianjin 22 西藏自治区 Xizang AR (Tibet)
新疆自治区 Xinjiang AR 云南 Yunnan 浙江 Zhejiang
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong SAR 852
澳门特别行政区 Macau SAR 853
台湾 Taiwan 886

Other links: Universities in Hubei, China;
This page is listed in Chinascape and Geocities' World Telephone Numbering Guide.

Please send additions, corrections and suggestions to Yidao Cai (contact me).
This page was created on January 26, 1996. Last modified on: Oct. 15, 2006.