
TestCollector 发表于 2005/12/19 17:03 一品 养儿育女 (www.ywpw.com)

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我收集了美国中小学考试试卷157套 (3年级-11年级), . 每套包括英文阅读, 数学各一份 (附图是3年级的试卷样品). 这些试卷对我的孩子帮助极大. 为与大家共享. 我 已将试卷制成PDF文件, 共9000多页.

为满足广大家长要求, 我接受大家的建议,将部分试卷上载到我的HOSTING SITE, 供大家免费下载。由于受下载量的限制,请您只下载您所需要的年级。

任何问题, 请电邮 testscollector @ yahoo . com/


(original links no longer work, local copy at http://book.ywpw.com/exam/)

Some other important facts about the test collection include:

1. The collection contains 157 test sets at grade 3-11. (26 at grade 3, 23 at grade 4, 24 at grade 5, 12 at grade 6, 13 at grade 7, 29 at grade 8, 8 at grade 9, 17 at grade 10, 5 at grade 11).

2. Each test set contains one complete reading test and one complete math test.

3. On the average, each test set contains about 58 pages.

4. Most of the tests come with answer keys.

5. Each test set contains about 60 questions on the average. Each question in the test is given as either a multiple-choice selection or an open writing response, designed to measure student’s basic skills against various academic standards.

6. Parents can use these materials for both assessment and practice. The materials also help your kids get familiar with the formats of standard tests.

7. The test sets are stored in the format of PDF, the most common format for document viewing and printing. A PC and a printer are all you need to put the tests on papers.

If you would like to own the complete collection (i.e. 157 test sets at grade 3-11), you can get a CD from me. You don’t have to believe this, but that is what I am going to do. Half of the profits from this CD sale will be donated to 海外中国教育基金会(http://www.ocef.org/newocef/ ). I’ll try to get a certificate from them after the donation is sent. I’ll email the image of the certificate to those who are part of this great effort to help the poor kids in our homeland. This should happen between March-April next year. For more information, contact me at testscollector @ yahoo . com .



how to buy CD --- zhe 2006/01/20 13:30 (174 bytes)

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