Policy for YWPW Classified Ads

The policy may be changed without notice. (Chinese Version) (www.ywpw.com)
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Please read the following policies first, otherwise your message may be removed, wasting both your time and the administrator's time.

  • Contents: We accept classified advertisements of all categories, except for those contains sexual, racial, discriminatory, contents prohibited by law or otherwise the administrator does not like.
  • Language: The advertiser should use plain Chinese or English languages. Use of words or characters to make your ads standing out or otherwise attracting the eyeball of visitors is prohibited.
  • Pictures: You are allowed one picture in a message, of 400 pixels or less in either direction, and of about 30 kb or less. This rule is not hard coded in the program but please do not abuse.
  • Attempts of repeated posting in order to keep your message on top are discouraged. In general, if your message is still in the first two pages, please don't try to repeat. Our software is designed to limit repeated posting in a short time. Every time you try to do so, your pionts will increase and in the end you will effectively be banned.
  • If you wish your ads to always show on main page, we have spaces available for rent.
  • Title of message should be short and informative and usually should not contain special characters (like !!! *** $$$ ~~~). Message with long title may be removed or, if the administrator is happy, edited.
  • No contact information (email, phone number etc) in title or user name.
  • Message body will also be screened for extensive use of special characters, exaggerating phrases or repeated links. The general rule is, use plain language to describe your products and services cleanly.
  • No product listings in the content.
  • Do not make false promise, offer some real stuff. Use objective description.
  • Properly format your title and content.
  • Finally, if your message is removed, most likely you violated one or more rules above, not because of what you are advertising.